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Let Me Tell You A Story
Lastest News
Collection 1
That's it for our first collection of stories folks! This collection will be entitled "Folktales and Fairytales, Collection 1". Stay...
Episode 010: The Magic Bon Bons
This is the final episode in Let Me Tell You A Story's first collection. After a mix up at the market, a household is thrown into...
Episode 009: The Princess on the Glass Hill
A whole Kingdom full of suitors are trying to win the heart of a princess. Through some mysterious circumstances young Cinderlad may...
Episode 008: Long, Broad, and Quickeye
A prince must save a princess from an evil sorcerer using the help of three men with unusual abilities.
Episode 007: The King of the Polar Bears
One of the more fun episodes to produce due to it being a complete change of scenery compared to all the episodes leading up to this one....
Episode 006: The Partnership of the Thief and the Liar
A thief and a liar make their fortunes by conning Kings until they split up. Then they con each other. We hope you enjoy the story! ...
We passed 1,000 downloads!
Since our show dropped on March 5th we've had over 1,000 downloads! They may not be huge numbers but it's a start! Thank you for...
Episode 005: Donkey Skin
A young princess is forced to flee her kingdom in disguise and work on a farm, until a young prince discovers her and falls madly in...
We're's Podcast of the Day!
It was great being chosen as's Podcast of the day. If you've never heard of check out their website...
Episode 004: The Glass Dog
Here it is folks! Our second week and 4th episode. From here on out it will just be one episode per week dropping every Sunday. We...
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